Home Medicine Making: Crafting Your Personal Apothecary, March - May 2020

Home Medicine Making: Crafting Your Personal Apothecary, March - May 2020

from $108.00

6 class series in Novato, California: March 15- May 24 2 Sundays/month (Series) see below for details

Creating Empowerment and Beauty together through making herbal medicine is one the oldest ways of re-weaving our culture and supporting each other, in solidarity with Nature - a renegade act of courage and Love, these days!

In this dynamic series, we will learn how to make a treasure chest of herbal medicine for yourself, your family and your communities’ well-being. Using freshly grown or wild harvested herbs, students will develop an intimate relationship with each plant. Focusing upon local herbs, through herb walks, Ritual, Ancestral rememberings and stories, and interactive lecture, students will come away from the course with 12+ herbal medicines to populate a new apothecary - enhancing many common, practical and spiritual dimensions of life.

*Learn the fundamentals of medicine making, primarily in the Folk Remedy Tradition, so that you can be empowered with the knowledge to make medicine for your physical, emotional and spiritual needs

* Special focus on: stress and anxiety, nervous exhaustion, poor sleep, digestion, libido, pain and inflammation issues

* Our apothecary medicines: summer cordials, tinctures, acetums (vinegar), oxymels (vinegar and honey), syrups, infusions and decoctions, salves and creams (using oils we’ve infused ourselves), flower essences, tooth powders, and more

*Feel confident about when and how to to use different medicines and how to combine or blend synergistic herbs

Location: Classes held in a beautiful, private home in the hills of Novato, with a large kitchen to make medicine, and open space and gardens from which to harvest and responsibly wildharvest. We are across from 800 acres of nature preserve, 30-40 min from Berkeley, SF, etc. Address provided upon registration.


Apothecary Series ~ 6 Sunday afternoons, 12-5 pm
-March 15 & 22
-April 19 & 26
-May 17 & 24
*Students must commit to a set of 2 classes, as paired above, so as to complete a medicine making project*

In order to receive the full training, it is highly suggested to take the series as a whole, although it is possible to come only to one or two of the sets.

—-> DISCOUNT available for payment in full for entire series

Payment: $700 for the series, or $250 for each set

The intro class will provide a sense of the series, in a concentrated form. Over the course of 5 hours we will make an Herbal infusion/decoction together, do an herb walk on the land, co-create an IMBOLC/ Candlemas/ Return of the Light ritual, and make a Blood Building syrup for each person to fortify themselves with, as we stabilize through the last 6 weeks of Winter.

More details on the specific medicine making and ritual of each set of classes in March, April, and May, coming soon!

Class content subject to change due to fresh plant supply and weather conditions.

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